cadeau hoezo

Press media

Below you find our press media. Highres images are downloadable and free of rights, in case the museum name and context are mentioned.

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Self portrait Hélène Akouavi Amouzou

With the names of writers from all over the world on this globe, the artist Yinka Shonibare shows that there is more literature than just Western literature; TM-6427-1a

Two local plastic water jugs made by Asya, a plastic company in Gaziantep.

Elia Nurvista
Fotograaf: Fajar Riyanto

Museum Rietberg Zurich, Gift of Alfreda Murck. Photo: Rainer Wolfsberger

Overview photo room with theme slavery. Photo: Rick Mandoeng

Campaign image Divas: Inspiration and immersion in Arab music and cinema

Abraham & Thakore_gold khadi saree

Exhibition What's the story. Photo: Tropenmuseum.

Plastic toothbrush made in Japan. A trader in Afghanistan decorated it in the late 1970s with patterns in the local metalworking style. RV-4955-241a-b

Portrait Umm Kulthum. Cairo, Egypt; 2005; painting by Mohammed Khamis; TM-6215-1