cadeau hoezo

Press media

Below you find our press media. Highres images are downloadable and free of rights, in case the museum name and context are mentioned.

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Flory Sinanduku performing SANTE PUBLIC in plastic syringe suit in Kinshasa, DRC. Photo credit: Azgard Itambo

Plastic bag labelled 'Suitable for food' and 'Keep Greenland clean', 1980s. The bags are mostly used to hold portions of fish or seal meat. RV-5231-31

Exhibition Things That Matter. Photo: Tropenmuseum.

Fragment from the room with the theme language. Room designed by artists Farida Sedoc in collaboration with Prof. Soortkill, whose podcast can be heard in the exhibition. Photo: Rick Mandoeng

Cotton toy lion and Nylon toy animal, both from China. Photo: Rick Mandoeng

Foto muay thai, Thailand, Lord K2

Exhibition Seen through the lens of. Photo: Tropenmuseum

Fragment from room Wealth from overseas

Hew Locke
Confederate States of America Loan 2
Courtesy of Hew Locke, Hales Gallery, and P·P·O·W, New York